Saturday, August 26, 2006

(Deborah Wipes the Virtual Sweat from Her iBook Screen)

Well, I'm definitely relieved to find out that the battery for my iBook is one of the ones that was made by a non-Sony manufacturer--which means no laptop fire anytime soon. While I believed the whole "struck by lightning" odds thing reported in USAToday, I'm rather glad I'm not even likely to have my computer spontaneously combust (though, come to think of it, such a situation is great grist for a story).

It all goes to show how dependent I've become on my little white computer. I could say that this Apple recall just came at the wrong time, what with the grad school year starting up again soon and becoming this year's managing editor of The Fieldstone Review and trying to pitch my novel and starting to work on a new novel idea. That would seem like a great excuse--many needs for my computer. But the truth is that there would be no particularly good time for even a small disruption of my iBook-related life. There's always something, and although I have access to other computers, I would be in withdrawal.

The interesting part is that I was never this attached to my computer when it was a desktop. Nor, for that matter, when I was working full-time before I became a grad student... Hm...

I do think part of it is that it is now my primary computer--and the portability definitely helps it to become even more primary than a desktop would be. In a way, I wonder if it's like the difference in concern you show over a place you rent and a place you own--when you work full-time, they maintain a computer you use most of the time for you, so you don't have to worry about it as much if your home computer goes on the fritz. It's like getting to rent a computer (without having to pay). But when your primary computer is your own, you really want that computer to work well all the time. And you know you'll have to worry more about the details if it's not working (sort of like when you own a house). I doubt if that's deep, but it seems true at the moment...


Fluffica said...

i hear you. this morning my internet was out for about 2.2 seconds and i thought my life was pretty much over.

Deborah Leiter Nyabuti said...

Fluffica: Well, yeah, I can totally see that after that hard-drive debacle you had last spring...

Anonymous said...

I, on the other hand, am sitting here fervently wishing my computer and every computer in the library would spontaneously combust (or combust in any way so's to make them unusable, really)in order that I'd have a really good excuse for never finishing this never ending thing to which I seem to have inadvertantly devoted my life. I wish all computer batteries were made by Sony.

Deborah Leiter Nyabuti said...

Em, you know that if all computers died, you would still be asked to continue on typewriter. And if that broke, you'd be asked to carry on by hand... You can't just blame it on computers. :)

Anonymous said...

For once I'm not blaming computers, just wishing a technological breakdown could kill this particular paper so I don't have to (or so it doesn't kill me). The emotional trauma alone I would suffer from losing both my precious work and my precious computer I could not be expected to overcome, surely. And so I would be forced to simply, bravely, and gracefully move on. I think an actual fire (just a small one would do) would be especially effective. This is a fantastic idea Deb!

Deborah Leiter Nyabuti said...

Disclaimer: Deborah officially claims no responsibility for any act of arson set by Em (or anyone else) to her own or other computers.