Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Transportation Technology=Communications Technology?

So in my 26 hours spent bonding with my car earlier this week, I had a crazy thought: could transportation technology, at least at times, be considered communications technology? Sure, it's not always what you think of when you think of communicating with other people, but there are lots of family and friends I wouldn't be communicating with face-to-face if I didn't have such devices as cars to facilitate that face-to-face communication. The same goes for business travelers who fly all over the place to network and have meetings with people--in those cases, airplanes almost become a kind of communications technology for them.

Of course, when I was a kid going on family vacations, I always thought the car gave me a little too much access to communicating with my family for a bit too long of a time in a bit too cramped of a space, and transportation technology also facilitates seeing and experiencing things as well as people, but all the same, I find it an interesting thought. Granted, I have been spending a lot of time in my car lately (something on which I'm glad to blame the long sentences and Victorian-style italics in this post)...

P.S. (7/13/06) It occurs to me that the North American Laura-Ingalls-Wilder-type pioneers--with their covered wagons and long arduous travels--would certainly have seen cars and airplanes as wonderful communications technology devices.


Unknown said...

Sorry Deb. You are right I never did get back to you. I will only be in Lethbridge for 7 days. However, I have been thinking about submitting a paper to the the big Canadian academic conference which is suppose to be in Saskatoon. So maybe I'll stop by then...for now we will have to depend on communication technologies such as this... Although I personally favor the automobile kind.

Deborah Leiter Nyabuti said...

Hi Jodie, too bad we'll miss each other this summer, but hopefully you'll come to Saskatoon in the spring. You'd be welcome to stay at my apartment... I was actually just near Toronto last week, but only for one night for a wedding...